Our Service Offerings

Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitiser is handy in water-scarce areas or applications for hand washing. It kills 99.99% of harmful germs and is fast drying. No towel required. Our range of sanitiser dispensers are lockable and robust eliminating consumable theft and vandalism and the consumable cost is well controlled through metered doses dispensed per shot preventing unnecessary waste.

Toilets – Deep Cleaning

Toilet and urinal pipes build up deposits of uric acid scale, faecal matter as well as normal minerals and salts found in water (such as limescale). Deep cleaning is a manual abrasive cleaning process that ensures scale in the toilet and urinal pipes are removed, preventing eventual blockage and flooding from occurring. Such an on-going cleaning regime is ideal in new buildings where the slate is clean. All is not lost in old buildings! The situation can only be improved and kept from getting worse by implementing a frequent deep cleaning regime.

Cubicle Care

Proper facilities for the dignified disposal of sanitary waste, removal of harmful toilet seat bacteria and of course easy access to toilet paper, are at the core of what makes a bathroom facility presentable and hygienic. Toilet paper is one of “the big 3” legislative requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and it is compulsory that all businesses provide this to staff together with soap and a means to dry hands. From a facilities management perspective, controlling cost is of the utmost importance. Our equipment is lockable and robust ensuring consumable theft, as well as vandalism, are minimised.

Sanitary Hygiene

Steritec provides an all-in-one sanitary waste collection and disposal service where sanitary (SHE) bins are provided in each cubicle at the client facility to collect and store sanitary waste hygienically and safely. Steritec collects the waste from the bins regularly either on a 7 day, 14 day or monthly frequency. Steritec staff clean and disinfect the bins and replace the bin liner and disinfecting agent used to kill bacteria.
Lastly, Steritec removes the waste from the client site in discrete SHE bags/trolleys and disposes of it in the legally prescribed manner. A simple solution that ensures dignity, compliance and hassle-free experience.

Urinal Maintenance

Why is an automatic flush and chemical dispensing system important?
Most people don’t flush a urinal after use, resulting in a greater buildup of uric acid in the plumbing, leading to bacterial growth and bad odours. By automating this simple process with our auto flush, these problems are solved at their core. Automatic flushing means no touching and therefore no cross-contamination.
Our auto sanitiser and auto janitor, provide consistent chemical dosing into urinals and toilets. They clean, kill germs and provide a fresh fragrance. They are serviced regularly by Steritec to ensure a hassle-free, self-sustaining dynamic.
Our equipment is professionally installed into the spurge pipes of urinals and cisterns of toilets to ensure that the chemical is effectively distributed in the water such that it has contact with all surfaces maximizing cleanliness and hygiene.

Dust Control

The first rule in keeping the floors clean is to stop dirt at the door. With our range of appearance, grease and rubber mats we’ll keep your reception and other key areas clean and dust-free. Not only do mats trap dirt at their source, but they also help reduce slip and trip hazards caused by slippery floors laden with dirt, grease and water. The key is ensuring that your mats are cleaned and laundered on a regular basis. We collect dirty mats and replace them with freshly laundered ones on either 7 days, 14 days or monthly frequency to suit your requirements.

Hand Drying

Fit for purpose hand drying solution is one of “the big 3” legislative requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is compulsory that all businesses provide this as well as toilet paper and soap. Paper towel dispensers, air towels and cotton are the solutions of choice. The choice depends on your personal preference and budget constraints. Our paper towel cabinets minimise cost through portion control and prevent cross-contamination by only allowing the user contact with new paper. Combined with a wall bin your bathroom is kept neat and tidy. Our air towels are all SABS compliant and dry your hands quickly. Wall bins are required for general office waste with this solution. The cotton towel is a low-cost alternative. We all use cotton at home, why not away from home. Portion control ensures the towel is used economically by users and that they each receive a clean piece each time.

Wipe Dispensers

Having hand and surface sanitising wipes available make the working environment hygiene ready. So many daily activities require us to get our hand’s dirty counting money, handling stock and paperwork, and most important of all, shaking other people’s hands. With a wipe hands and surfaces are sanitized and hygienic in seconds. Wipe dispensers are a convenient means of storing wipes out of the way yet making them readily accessible when needed.

Air Care

The moment your guests enter the bathroom, they are welcomed with pleasant, fresh fragrances, enhancing their experience with your organisation, giving you the professional perceptual edge. Contrast this with no air freshener, only the usual bathroom odours which make a guest feel tense and uncomfortable and ultimately lead to a perception of your organisation that stinks! Not only are there fragrance air fresheners but also air sanitising products like the hygenator and Ozonator that eliminate persistent bad odours. Air care is an important pillar in sustaining a hygienic environment, one that leaves a lasting impression.

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We are here for all of your Cleaning, Hygiene & Pest Control needs!